Tertiary Education for Total Transformation.
Head of Theology and Religious Studies: Rev, Dr. Winston Kawale - PhD, MaTh, BA
The Univesity of Hebron offers various programmes under the Shool of Theology and Religious Studies. Programmes offered include:
The University of Hebron (UHB) offers Certificate and Diploma certifications for all the programmes that are offered by the university.
Hence allowing students to exist at any point. Students need to complete One (1) full calendar year to obtain a certificate and
Two (2) calendar years to graduate with a Diploma.
The University of Hebron's undergraduate degree programme has two (2) main entry points as follows:
Normal EntryThis is a four (4) years bachelors degree programme. and
Mature EntryThis is a two years bachelors degree completion programmes.
The univesity of Hebron provides Masters degree and Doctorate degree programmes from the postgraduate school.
Masters Degree ProgrammeThis is a two (2) years masters degree programme.
Doctorate Degree ProgrammeThis is a two years course work and research doctorate degree programme.